Homebrew Manager Mac OS X

The missing package manager for Mac OS X.  Installs the suff you need that Apple didn’t.

* Homebrew – Installs packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into /usr/local.  MORE INFO HERE.

Let it Be PowerPC

I’ve been trying to update “Recommendations” because more and more good web-sites/blogs keep coming out with good information about PowerPC, some of them decided to share information about Linux as well as Mac OS X.  You will find the following links on Recommendation page.

* Pure Mac – All Software You Really Need – http://www.pure-mac.com/

* Retro Mac Cast – They Are Not Old, They Are Retro – http://retromaccast.ning.com/

* Macinstosh/Linux – Mac OS X & Linux Tutorial – http://macintoshlinux.blogspot.com

* Mac Old School – Space devoted to Apple’s old school PowerPC Macs – http://macoldschool.blogspot.com/

* PowerPC Archive – http://thepowerpcarchive.com

* Abandon Application/ Operation System (Mac) – http://winworldpc.com/library_m2.shtml

* ViVa PowerPC – http://vivapowerpc.tk

* MacPast – http://macpast.wordpress.com

* PowerPCAccess – http://powerpcaccess.blogspot.com

* Mad Macs of Oregon – Indie Apple Specialist (Repair, Resell, Recycle) – http://madmacsoforegon.com

* Abandon Application for MacPPC – http://sdfox7.com/macppc/

* Abandon Operation System Macintosh – http://wdl1.winworldpc.com/Abandonware%20Operating%20Systems/Macintosh/

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Run LinuX Run!

Who ever thought to install a second Operational System on your machine?  It could have been for fun, for security reasons or even just to have an extra option, why not?  In fact there are tons of personal reasons why you might install your favorite distro, but questions like “Which distro should I install?”, “How do I know that I will like CRUX PPC instead of Debian, Fedora, Lubuntu, Xubuntu?”.  Which distro will best fit your needs?  It’s hard to tell.  We have saved some links and are happy to share some shortcuts with you.  Choose your favorite distro and let it run free!

Apple PowerPC Wiki – http://mac.linux.be/content/apple-powerpc-wiki

CRUX PPC – http://cruxppc.org/

PenquinPPC – http://penguinppc.org/

Linux Mint PPC – http://mintppc.org/

Debian for PowerPC – http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/

LinuxPowerPC – http://linuxpowerpc.blogspot.ca/

Ubuntu Wiki – https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads

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Linux ON (PowerPC)

Linux ON, PowerPC

A lot had been said lately about running Linux on PowerPC and it reminds me a lot about the argument of PC’s vs Mac.  Some people defend their favorite OS to death and they’re so passionate that it’s hard to talk about it without offending someone.  Lovers and haters!  Anyways, I just wanted to post this NOTE for the unknown reason that we feel the need to position ourselves and our ideas to our readers to make sure that you guys understand where we stand in this “some people drink pepsi some people drinke coke” kind of thing!

A long time ago, we made a post about Linux and we never released it because we positioned ourselves to the Mac OS X system, but we do like Linux a lot!  The main reason is because Mac PowerPC likes everything that is FREE/OPEN SOURCE and for this reason we always try to dig deep to bring everything low/no cost for our readers.  So let’s give a thumbs up for Linux: For Human Beings! Also is a great OS.

I have to mention here that we decide to step up about linux because we didn’t want to mix material Mac/Linux mostly because this blog is entitled Mac PowerPC not Linux PowerPC.  Other strong reasons include our belief that there are great blogs already taking care of the Linux world.  I strongly recommend checking out places like PPC Luddite http://ppcluddite.blogspot.com and PowerPC Liberation http://powerpcliberation.blogspot.com , these guys have great material on line and “step-by-step” instructions and other great information.  I have to tell you that they are working hard on Linux material to bring to you tips such as how to partition a hard drive, software installation and everything else under the sun.  They are very familiar with the OS so you can not go wrong and in the event that something does go wrong, you can send them a comment and they will be more than happy to clarify for you.

Awhile ago, I installed a nice distro called Kubuntu in an old Sony Vaio and I really liked using it.  It was very user friendly and the most important thing was that it was very secure.  I felt very safe using that OS and nobody can take that feeling from you.  We understand that using an OS like Tiger/Leopard is not as safe as any Linux distro but the goal of Mac PowerPC is to point out applications and adventures of using the Mac OS X.  We are aware of the safety and we are aware that we are not getting any new updates.  Today even Snow Leopards are left in the dust…imagine poor old Leopard!  But again the Blog will keep searching for things to do with your PowerPC and installing Linux is one great option to do/try/play.  But we decided to leave this legacy to people that know what they are doing and those blogs listed above know best.  But please don’t kill your favorite Feline for a Penguin, I think and believe that there is space enough for all of them on your hard drive.

All the blogs listed are also on our “RECOMMENDED” page.  We really believe in their material and we try to check them out on a regular basis and provide you with relevant information from their blog.  We don’t believe in copying anyone’s material but for the sake of bringing the best material to the PowerPC community we will often reference their posts also check our Facebook/Twitter.

P.S.: At the moment it looks like Zen are very busy with other projects like helping a client to develop OpenBSD cluster software, but he didn’t leave his legacy just yet!  He keeps writing material and apparently now is counting wiht a help from Dr. Dave!  Believe me, in knowing Zen for short period of time, I know he won’t share his blog if Dr. Dave wasn’t competent enough to “run the ship”.  I totally believe that Dr. Dave won’t leave the PowerPC Liberation’s readers with questions, as far as I have been following his posts are great.  Talking about great…let’s show some love to PPC LUDDITE!  The guy behing this blog is great – he brings a lot of great information to the community and if your PowerPC still works, then a visit to his site is a must!


MorphOS Running on PowerPC

MorphOS is a lightweight, highly efficient and flexible desktop operating system. It includes primarily proprietary as well as open – source components.

Here is a list os hardware requirement/compatibility – http://www.morphos.de/hardware 

If you have an extra PowerPC machine and you are looking for some challenge go forward.

Download link –http://www.morphos-team.net/

You guys know the drill, before you try anything, please, make sure to back up everything important or everything.

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P.S.: Files: http://morphos-files.net/index2.php

Old OS System for Mac PowerPC

Let’s talk about nostalgia… I was checking few blogs and web sites and I found a great article on LowEndMac talking about the old Mac OS System. I thought that it would be great to Know a bit about OS 6 or OS 7, just to play around and do some tests.

For the entire article of LowEndMac: http://lowendmac.com/macos.shtml

* OS System 6 – http://www.euronet.nl/users/mvdk/system6.html

* OS System 7.5 – http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/System/Older_System/System_7.5_Version_7.5.3/

Also you can check here for System and Updates: http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/System/Older_System/

Boot Your Mac From Another Mac With DVD Driver Via Firewire Cable

Install Leopard or Tiger Via Target Disk Mode.

Believe or not, many people are still buying PowerPC computers, some of them know what they are getting into, but some of them have no clue at all!  They just see that it’s a very cheap Mac and think they’re lucky to find it.

In fact there are some points you should consider before buying a used Mac computer and they’re not limited to just checking the cosmetic aspects or hardware specs.  Ask for the original packing and documents, because it will make the difference if one day you decide to sell it, or in the event that they become collectors items, you’ll increase their value!  Another item you should ask about are the original DVD’s or CD’s, some people just forget to ask about the installation disk and it’s very important to have it in case one day you need to reinstall your machine, as I recently had to.

So let’s say you got an old PowerPC Mac and you want to reinstall the OS X or upgrade to Leopard but your machine has CD drivers only and your Leopard disk is DVD (as I mentioned before some of the G3/G4 Macs won’t boot from USB).  This post shows you how to boot it from USB, but it’s not 100% guaranteed that it will work in all scenarios.   http://macpowerpc.com/2012/09/12/boot-your-powerpc-from-a-usb-for-mac-powerpc/   So you still have a shot at this, what you have to do is:

1 – Mac with no DVD driver

2 – Mac with a DVD driver

3 – Firewire cable (compatible with both machines)

4 – Install DVD disks.

First, insert your install DVD disk in your Mac with DVD drivers and reboot this Mac holding “ t “ for Firewire target mode. >  Next, connect this Mac to the Mac with no DVD driver and reboot it holding down “ alt “.

It might take a second for it to boot, but at this point something should be appearing on screen and you select the DVD as boot source.   Finally, click on the arrow button and the installation will start.

I got a few e-mails advising that some PowerPC users were having a hard time because some machines do not come with DVD drivers and it’s hard to find aTiger OS X CD.  Also, if you are looking to upgrade to Leopard, it would be even harder because I think Leopard is available on DVD only.  I hope you guys like this handy tip and leave some comments if it worked out for you, as it did me!

P.S.: Do not forget to back up all your data before trying anything!!!